Week 16: Wrapping It Up

     Before taking this class, I viewed social media as a way for people to freely expose private information of themselves with no real benefit from coming from having one. After taking this class I have come to learn there are definitely different ways to benefit from having a social media page, such as Facebook or Instagram, if you have a business.

    The social media I believe any business should currently have has to be a Facebook. The reason I say this is because of the tools Facebook freely provides to any business that has a profile with them not to mention it being more established than any other social media website. Facebook allows businesses to target and engage their audience better than any websites with Facebook Insights which can track what posts people are clicking on and viewing. Then there is the fact that Facebook is established and has billions of users which will allow business to reach people they would not be able to reach had it been in another website.

    They can also use Instagram to advertise and engage with their audience through photos. Instagram is second to Facebook because it only provides advantages in advertisement and engagement, when compared to Facebook. Instagram allows business to post new products on their social media site and engage with people of like minds through their hashtags allowing for free advertising. Business could also reply, comment or like photos that tag their business allowing them to engage one on one with their audience more easily by searching through a hashtag.

    It seems like the future of advertising will be through social media such as TikTok. People enjoy watching small videos opposed to larger commercials that will only keep them from watching the content they are trying to view. TikTok allows companies to make short videos that will catch your attention making you want to investigate what is being advertised. I believe this sort of social media will be more prevalent where people want to see small videos opposed to photos or posts, it already seems business have begun to make successful advertisement videos as well.

    In all, if I had a business I would like to be advertised or connect with my customer in a different way I would use the services and products provided these social media websites. However, since I currently do not own a business, I will be staying off social media.


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