
Showing posts from December, 2020

Week 16: Wrapping It Up

       Before taking this class, I viewed social media as a way for people to freely expose private information of themselves with no real benefit from coming from having one. After taking this class I have come to learn there are definitely different ways to benefit from having a social media page, such as Facebook or Instagram, if you have a business.      The social media I believe any business should currently have has to be a Facebook. The reason I say this is because of the tools Facebook freely provides to any business that has a profile with them not to mention it being more established than any other social media website. Facebook allows businesses to target and engage their audience better than any websites with Facebook Insights which can track what posts people are clicking on and viewing. Then there is the fact that Facebook is established and has billions of users which will allow business to reach people they would not be able to reach...

Week 15: My Marketing Strategy

The social media platforms that integrated best with the business I created, Crafting Melodies Brewery, were Facebook and Instagram. The reason Facebook was one of the best was because of the tools they provide business, such as the Audience insight and Analytics tools. The Audience insight tools allow business to learn more about their customers by what posts they interact with and which ones they pass by, allowing business to be able to cater better to their audience. There is also the Analytics tools that allow you to look through the data that your page has collected such as the traffic you are bringing in on a daylit basis allowing business to be more in the know of what weeks or months brought more people to their Facebook page. Instagram was also a social media platform that worked well with my business because I was able to be more personable with the posts, I created opposed to having them be strictly about business events. Throughout the semester the social media site I enj...

Week 14 : Learning from Social Media Analytics

Two features that would be the most beneficial for my business would have to be the Track your Goals and Audience report features. The reason Track your Goals feature would benefit my business is because I would be able to track each time a user completes a desired goal such as RSVP for a event I am holding or when a specific beer gets viewed more than others. The audience reports feature would help me understand the audience I am attracting and be able to intrigue that audience though direct advertising of events. My Facebook page does not have enough likes so I decided to review what is found from looking at the Facebook analytics for Aztec brewing company. This data is for November 2020 and we can see the posts engagements and page likes by people who are viewing your page. Unfortunately due to Covid-19 there is a drop in people reached due to Aztec brewing company having to be closed. We can also see most people are viewing this brewery through their phones and not on their compute...