Week 14 : Learning from Social Media Analytics

Two features that would be the most beneficial for my business would have to be the Track your Goals and Audience report features. The reason Track your Goals feature would benefit my business is because I would be able to track each time a user completes a desired goal such as RSVP for a event I am holding or when a specific beer gets viewed more than others. The audience reports feature would help me understand the audience I am attracting and be able to intrigue that audience though direct advertising of events.

My Facebook page does not have enough likes so I decided to review what is found from looking at the Facebook analytics for Aztec brewing company. This data is for November 2020 and we can see the posts engagements and page likes by people who are viewing your page. Unfortunately due to Covid-19 there is a drop in people reached due to Aztec brewing company having to be closed. We can also see most people are viewing this brewery through their phones and not on their computer. The Facebook analytics data also shows there was a slight increase of followers on November 27 - November 29th and they are all organic and not paid.


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