Week 10: Email Marketing

 This is my first time using a email newsletter so it was nice to read up on how to be effective when sending one out. I believe in order to be effective when sending one out from my business I should focus on only sending one once a week. The information my newsletter could provide would be mostly be sales but I could also use them to educate my customers on what goes into making a good crafted beer.

Ideas for Newsletter:

Promote new local music since I would want to support local artists.

Promote new beers that are joining our menu in order to keep our customers guessing.

Refer a Friend and get a Sticker to try to get more people to join the newsletter.

Events that are going to be taking place for holidays to get more people to come spend the holidays with us.

Frequently asked questions and feedback so our customers have all their questions answered and are able to give us advice on what they would like to see.

Blogs I Commented on:

Bertha Alvarez - Rad Math Tutoring
Kelly Zimbelmann - Jumpingkellybean
Karin O'Brien -  Jem'd Sweets


  1. I think all those topics sound good, especially the FAQ and promoting local artists. That would be a good way to make your brewery stand out in Vista. I'm not sure if you were planning on including all those topics in a newsletter at once, but that could work. I think you're in a good place of having a solid amount of information and not yet overwhelming the reader.


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