Week 8 Part 1: Reviewing Businesses who use Instagram
Guadalupe Brewery
This brewery originated in Carlsbad in 2015, so that is where their Instagram posts begin. I feel like they are using their Instagram account productively by posting certain items on their menus as well as mentioning events they will be having. Through their correct way of using Instagram by posting once a day or at the very least once a month they have acquired 1153 followers for their page. The posts that get the most likes and comments are the ones that are videos and include their beer in the photo. Some of the hashtags I believe will be beneficial to my own posts on my Instagram would be, #drinklocal, #vistabeer, #eatlocal and #downtownvista.
Vista Village Pub
This is not a brewery it is more of a bar, however I chose this business because it sells alcohol and hosts its own events. I believe they are using their Instagram account correctly by posting their menu specials as well as events that are going to happen there. Through this they were able to acquire 1726 followers were the posts that get the most feedback and likes are the ones that talk about events that will be taking place such as trivia night. Some of the hashtags I believe will help my own Instagram account include but are not limited to #vista, #goodtimes, #mainstvista and #drink.
Black Plague Brewery
The next business I decided to check out and review their Instagram would be Black Plague. This Instagram has some help because it is run by a professional skateboarder and he will include other skateboarders in posts. That being said the posts that got the most love where the ones that included skateboarders or introduced new beers or collaborations. This account has 33.5k followers and I believe it is heavily due to their connections in the skateboarding industry. Some hashtags I believe could be beneficial to my business would be #dyingforabeer, #getthatmanabeer, #getthatgirlabeer and #getthosebudsabeer.
Stone Brewing
The last business and the one with the most followers is Stone Brewing with 500k followers. All their posts revolve around the beer they make as well as the new ones that are coming out. That being said the posts that had the largest amount of comments and likes are the posts that included new beers in them. I do feel they are using Instagram correctly by putting an emphasis on the company and not drawing away from it by posting other content such as Black Plague posting skateboarding videos. All of the hashtags this company used where brand specific such as #nostoneleftunturned and a couple that were their new flavors. I do not believe any of these hashtags will benefit my business but I feel they have a great idea of being more brand specific opposed to general hashtags.
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